Experience with Quasar Framework
Hi, I’m Iago Cavalcante, I’m a Software Architect, passionate about technology, development and education. Beginning to use VueJs in the middle of 2016, I fell in love with the simplicity and ease of doing what is necessary to do the cleaning and the objective, I began to do through the CDN. After the initial experiment, I adopted Vue as my standard frontend framework, I tryed to evangelize the audiences of a performing company and the local community to experiment. With the Quasar Framework was no different. I started at version 0.14 because the recommendation of a friend in building an application. Soon, after we experienced, we decided to adopt in our company (W3 Automation and Systems) Quasar in its version 0.16.
What pleases me most is its Command Line Interface (CLI) and its versatility, giving power to web developers, to build a single time and distribute to N platforms, we have the possibility to generate a Single Page Application (SPA), a Progressive Web App, a mobile application (Android / iOS) and even a desktop application. Giving the possibility of using cordova and electron to distribute to various Operating Systems. Without counting the ready-made components we are given, making the application beautiful.
All this power made me choose Quasar to build an exclusive application for Desktop, where I have the components ready and a super friendly interface, this application gives us the possibility to download a video from youtube in mp3 and mp4 formats and assist them in the application itself. If it was not a crucial part of the company, I could tell more of the use case there and how we are using and doing cool stuff. But that’s just a brief history of the wonderful experience I’m having with Quasar.